Treasures at Ein Kahal, in a
Wall at Babylon
And at Tel Bruk where the
Willow Tree was in Babylon
The Prophet
Jeremiah and the Five Guardians of Solomon’s Temple Treasures
by Robert Mock
These are the
weights of silver concealed at "Ein Kahal" by Baruch and
Zidkiyah: 1,200,000 talents of silver, 1,600,000 of fine silver. Copper vessels:
2,000,000 pots of fine copper, and 1,100,000 of iron; [Countless] Shefatim (type
of pot) without Metzukim (ladles) and copper Metzukim around the copper gate;
countless Cherubim; countless copper sinks/lavers; 3,000 frying pans of fine
gold; 70 priceless tables of fine gold from beneath the Tree of Life standing in
the holy Garden, upon which were placed the Showbread. Golden Shekamim (type of
tree) with all manner of delicacies hanging from them.
They are all made of
refined gold which David, King of Israel, refined. All those were concealed by
Baruk the Scribe
of Jeremiah at the secret location of Ein Kahal.
Once again we
see Zedekiah and Baruk in a second secret mission, this time to a location
called Ein Kahal. These articles of golden treasures in this
inventory were made from refined gold which states that King David himself had
refined. This treasure inventory included:
1,200,000 (1200) talents of
Here we have 90,000 pounds (45 tons) of silver or 1.08 million troy ounces. Current value would be $4.32 million dollars. ($4.00/oz)
1,600,000 (1600) talents of fine
What is
the difference of silver and refined silver, except the first inventory is raw
silver direct from the mine and the latter is refined bullion silver.
The refined bullion silver would have
been 120,000 pounds (60 tons) or 1.44 million troy ounces of refined bullion silver.
Current value would be $5.76 million
Temple Vessels
2,000,000 (2000) pots of
fine copper (in copper vessels)
1,100,000 (1100) pots of
Numerous Shefatim
(pots) without Metzukim (ladles)
Numerous copper Metzukim
(ladles) around a copper gate
Countless copper
Treasures of Gold
Countless Cherubim (probably golden)
Where would
these cherubim be? The courts of the ancient kings of Egypt, Assyria,
Babylon and Persia included numerous cherubim that flanked the royal throne, the
hallways of the king and the sacred entrances to the temples. These
cherubim were recognized as guardians to the king and were memories of the
cherubim and the seraphim that were beneath and surrounding the throne
of the Lord of hosts.
3000 (3) golden frying
70 tables made of fine gold
which stood beneath the Tree of Life in the Holy Garden (Garden of
Eden). These were used for the
Ten tables of
showbread were placed within the Holy
Place in the Temple of Solomon. Yet as we have seen in prior articles, on the
seventh day, new showbread was taken to the Holy Place and the older bread was
placed on tables of
showbread in the garden of Eden outside
the Holy Place of the temple for the priests to east.
Also we have
noted that the two pillars on the front of the entrance to Solomon’s temple were
representative of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil. Evidently the tables of showbread were placed besides one of the
pillars at the entrance to the temple.
Golden Shekamin (described as a
type of tree) with hanging ornaments called delicacies.
Here again is
an unknown treasure that resided in the Temple of Solomon. Was it the
golden Almugim
trees that were brought from the coral
beds at Ezion-Geber in the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aquaba and then electroplated
with gold? Maybe these were the
Almug or Almogim trees that were made from
the Indian Red Sandalwood and also electroplated with gold. Yet maybe these were
the fruited Parvaim
golden trees that stood beneath the
Tree of
Life in the Garden of Eden in the Temple
of Solomon?
Treasures of gold
and silver [stored away] from the days of David until Zidkiyah and until Israel
was exiled to Babylon: Hundreds of thousands of golden shields, and countless
silver [shields]; 1, 353,000 precious stones and fine stones.
All of these were
hidden and concealed in the wall of Babylon and in Tel Bruk under the big willow
tree in Babylon upon which they hung their lyres (cf. Psalm 137:2).
And from the House
of the Forest of Lebanon (i.e. the Temple), they took 1,900,000 Korin (measures)
of gold.
All the prophets,
wise men, and scribes [in the world] could not calculate the wealth and the
glory that was in Jerusalem.
Tel Bruk where
the Willow Tree was in Babylon.
Treasures of gold
and silver [stored away] from the days of David until Zidkiyah and until Israel
was exiled to Babylon: Hundreds of thousands of golden shields, and countless
silver [shields]; 1, 353,000 precious stones and fine stones.
From the land
of Babylon, the five guardians of the treasures of Solomon’s Temple continued
their work of hiding, this time in the land of Babylon. These were not the
only treasures that were taken to Babylon. Part of these treasures were
deposited also in the city of
Baghdad How so we wonder? The
religious leadership and intellectual mercantile class were transported in bulk
to the land during the first deportation which included Daniel and the young
nobles of Judah. Since there were three invasions and three deportations
that took place, by the end of the reign of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah,
only seven thousand fighting men were left in the military and security forces
of the land and they and the peasant population were deported in the third
What if, the
whole population of Judah was in the ‘secret’ of hiding the temple
treasures? What we do know is that Mishnah 4 and 11 reveal treasures that
were secreted and taken to Babylon and there stored in safety. We have to
ask a loaded question. What if each family took a cup, a stone, a shield,
a gemstone, a margolit, a tray or a bread mold and hid it in their own
Looking at the
ancient base relief of Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian murals, we note
pictures of whole populations being transported by their captors, while they
carried their family belongings on the back of a donkey or a laden wagon. Would
it suggest that all the personal belongings would not have been searched by the
Babylonian forces? The large inventory of treasure could have been
transported under the noses of the Babylonian soldiers and guards not realizing
that the largest gold and silver heist in world history was being accomplished
by preventing these treasures from becoming booty to the Babylonian
Here is the
inventory of the treasures left in the walls of Babylon and near the willow tree
at Tel Bruk:
Hundreds of thousands (>1000)
of golden shields.
Countless (Unknown)
silver (shields)
1,353,000 (1353) precious
stones and fine stones.
From the House of the
Forest of Lebanon (the Temple), they also took
1,900,000 (1900) Korin (measures) of gold.
Here possibly
lies the bullion deposit of the “Fort Knox” of the Kingdom of Judah. This
was the gold and silver depository of the royal house of David. As such
they are the legal possessions of the House of David to this day.
These deposits
included the bullion that was used to coat the exterior walls of the Temple of
Solomon, the golden plated floors of the temple proper, the gem encrusted gold
lining of the Holy Place and the exterior and interior plating of pure red gold
on the Shrine of the Holy of Holiest. Here the sacred oracle of the
Hebrew, the ark of the covenant was kept. Many of these treasures and bullion
deposits we have already examined and their hiding places.
This Mishnah
on the deposit of gold in the walls of Babylon is actually the bullion deposits
that were stored in the depository of the House of the
Forest of Lebanon. Some
authors think that this was the Temple of Solomon, but this author personally
believes that it was a separate building. In an earlier chapter we
identified the House of the Forest of Lebanon as part of the palace complex of
Solomon next to the temple which included the Throne Room of Solomon, the grand
banquet halls, and the depository
for the golden shields used in the ceremonial entry of the king to the
house of the Lord. Here also now with this Mishnah can identify as the
depository that stored a special collection:
“Treasures of gold
and silver [stored away] from the days of David until Zidkiyah and until Israel
was exiled to Babylon”
Did this
depository lie in a vault-like high security room in the House of the Forest of
Lebanon as part of the palace complex of Solomon? Or rather, did this
vault storage lay beneath the palace complex accessible by secret tunnels to the
underground grottos beneath the
present Temple Mount today? Evidently these were treasures of gold and
silver bullion that were not used in any building complex. According to the
Mishnah 11, they were archives kept in secret from the days of King David all
the way until Zedekiah was captured and the city was finally destroyed.
Think of the implications. These would have included the golden shields,
the silver shields, the precious gemstones and the large inventory of gold
measured out in an unknown standard of measurement called a Korin.
All of these were
hidden and concealed in the wall of Babylon and in Tel Bruk under the big willow
tree in Babylon upon which they hung their lyres (cf. Psalm 137:2).
treasures were not inspected by the emissaries of Nabonidus of Babylon, who came
to visit King Hezekiah. These treasures were not taken by the forces of
King Nebuchadnezzar in the first and second deportations to Babylon did not take
these treasures and deposit them in the temple of
Esagila dedicated to his god,
Marduk. Yet somehow they were transported to Babylon and held in two
depositories apparently known only to the Levites. There in a wall of the mighty
city of Babylon and at Tel Bruk, where the famed huge and ancient
willow tree stood where the deportees hung
their lyres, this large deposit of temple treasures was hidden. Where are
they now?
According to the Psalmist, the Jewish harpist from the temple
harp choirs refused to play their harps while in exile in Babylon. Since the
harp was a representation of the angelic choruses and the services in the
heavenly temple, the use of the harp died when the temple was destroyed.
Psalms 137:1-6 - “By the
rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, we also wept, when we remembered
Zion. We hung our lyres on the willows in its midst. For
there those who carried us away captive required of us mirth, saying, sing us
one of the song of Zion.”
“How shall we sing the Lord’s song
in a foreign land? If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget
her cunning. If I do not remember you, let my tongue cleave to the roof of
my mouth; if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy.”
Where was this huge willow tree that made such an impression
upon the Jewish population? The banks of the Euphrates were lined
with willow trees, yet apparently there was one, with its majesty weeping limbs
hanging into the water of river that became a favorite of the Jewish
exiles. There harps were hung on the tree and in the secret of the night,
one of the most valuable caches of treasures of David and Solomon were deposited
near its roots.
invincible walls
of Babylon, some upwards to three
hundred feet in height and eighty feet wide and built with special baked brick
imbedded with the name of Nebuchadnezzar were recorded by the writers of
antiquity. They were part of the
mental barrier of Babylon being impregnable and invincible. Yet is was probably
an Persian
general, Gobryas, whose family living in
Media probably were Israelites who were deported a hundred years early by
Assyria to the land of Media who was the master strategist on how to conquer
Babylon without shedding any blood. Yes the fall of Babylon to the forces
of the Media-Persian king, Cyrus is one of the most amazing coups in military
The grandeur
and might of Babylon remained as the Persian emperors kept this city intact and
impregnable. Here next to the Iraqi village of Hilla, the archeological
remains of the ancient city of Babylon is found with those invincible walls
reduced to a pile of rubble.
Knowing that
the Jewish population became a sizeable entity in the city of Babylon we must
make one observation. The Jewish people in the writing of the prophets
have been described as a stiff necked and rebellious people. Yet this
description was in their relationship with their God, the God of their
forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even so, there is no description of any
rebellions or uprisings of the Jewish people in their exile under the imperial
rule of Babylon or Persia. Only one account was made of an uprising and
very effective rebellion in the land of Persia, and this was in the days of
Queen Esther and under the orders of the prime minister of Persia, Mordecai and
sealed with the ring of the king, Ahasueras.
Why? The Jewish people have always been known to assimilate easily into
the adopted cultures of the world. This is called the Diaspora and with
now over six million Jews in the Land of Israel, most of the known or unknown
Jewish sub-populations of the world still live outside the land. Not only that,
the whole House of Israel, who also has been promised to be redeemed back to the
land of their fathers and known to be a multitude like the sand of the sea have
yet to be identified nor redeemed back to their homelands.
What we do
know is that the remnants of the Hebrews, the Jews of the House of Judah have
been the only peoples in all the lands of the world who have preserved their
tribal, national and religious identity of all the known peoples and populations
in world history. Today there are no peoples that represent the national,
language or religious identity of the ancient Sumerians, the Akkadians, the
Canaanites, the Philistines, the Marians, the Hittites, the ancient Egyptians,
the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the neo-Babylonians, the Medes and the Persian,
the Grecian city states and the powerful Roman Empire. We no longer
worship Enki, Ra, and Marduk, Zeus nor even the cult of the Caesars, but we
still have the remnant of the children of God, who were still proclaiming or
protesting their loyalty to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The first
deportation took to Babylon most of the
sons of the nobles, the learned men, the educated, the religious leaders and the
scribes. These Jewish nobles and thought leaders in the land were trained
in the governmental institutions of higher learning. Because they were
bright, educated, and responsive students, they quickly were vaulted to the
highest positions of government in the land. Here was Daniel, a relative
of King Hezekiah, who became the prime minister of the land of Babylon.
Here were Hanani-yah, Mishael, and Azari-yah,
who became ministers in the government of
Also quickly,
an infra-structure for the Jewish population was built in the city of
Babylon. These included yeshivas for training the children in the ways of
Torah and institutes to help preserve the Hebrew-Judaic religion. We also
would have found institutes of linguistic studies to preserve the writing of
their forefather and the Hebrew language. This is where the scribes of
Israel under the leadership of Ezra began to compile the historical archives and
chronicles of their ancestral kings and begin the process of the canonization of
the Torah, books of the prophets and writers. All of these cultural
institutions were valuable in preserving the national identity of the Jewish
people. What we have to assume is that in spite of what images we have of
the deportation of captures peoples, they did take the sacred relics of their
forefathers, the large depositories of scrolls, parchments and tablets to
Babylon and here began a new renaissance of Jewish culture.

gold crown found in one of the royal tombs in Nimrud, the ancient Assyrian
Photograph copyright Bill
For the first
time in history, the land of Iraq, since the fall of the regime of Sadaam
Hussein, is beginning to open up for the largest archeological exploration and
discovery by the western world. The emotions that have been expressed by
watching the destruction of the great Museum of Baghdad which housed the great
collections of Mesopotamian archeology including the collection of treasures
from Nimrud has sensitized the world to the rich archeological heritage of the
land that lay outside the eastern gate of the Garden of Eden and became the
first places of habitation after the deportation of Adam and Eve outside of
their home in the garden.
What ever
amount of wealth resided in the land of Babylon, as these Levite captives walked
the streets of the largest, strongest and most famed city in the ancient world
and they watched the national archives and treasures coming into that city that
had come from conquered lands they still could say,
“All the prophets,
wise men, and scribes [in the world] could not calculate the wealth and the
glory that was in Jerusalem.”
presenting this concept to Biblical scholars, I am suddenly presented with
protests. They exclaim, the citizens of Judah when taken to Babylon were taken
in chains, naked and treated as yoked animals. This is true, when in
discussing the remaining ‘rebels’ under the leadership of Zedekiah at the final
destruction of Jerusalem. These were the remaining citizens that bound
Jeremiah and threw him into the dungeon to let him die when he prophesied to
them the words of the Lord of hosts if they chose to resist
But what about
the first deportation with Daniel and the princes of Judah? There is no
biblical evidence that they were taken as common criminals, but rather
Nebuchadnezzar was seeking to train a whole level of Judean bureaucrats in the
management and roles of managing his empire. Yes, Nebuchadnezzar was
seeking to bring together a one-world government. He did this with skill
and diplomacy, lots of money and perks for the population, academic training and
university training in nation building. Yet if a nation chose not to abide
by the will of Nebuchadnezzar, that nations was chosen for annihilation.
At the final destruction of Jerusalem, the rebellious nature of the remaining
population had so angered Nebuchadnezzar that at the third deportation, he
ordered his commander Nebuzar-adan to destroy the city and the temple. After the
captives had been taken bound on the road to Babylon, Jeremiah trying to catch
up with his people, followed a road littered with corpses of dead Jews.
Finally he found his own people and requested that he be bound like his own
people. Yet the captain of the forces of Nebuchadnezzar anxious to carry every
order of his master, always came along and removed the chains from the Prophet
Jeremiah. Finally in frustration he said;
Pesik., ed Buber, xiv, 113; Lam. R.,
Introduction, p34. - "You are one of these
three: a false prophet, one who despises suffering, or a murderer. For years you
have prophesied the downfall of Jerusalem, and now when the prophecy has been
fulfilled, you are sorry, which shows that you yourself do not believe in your
prophecies. Or you are one who voluntarily seeks suffering; for I take care that
nothing shall happen to you, yet you yourself seek pain. Or perhaps you are
hoping that the king will kill me when he hears that you have suffered so much,
and he will think that I have not obeyed his commands"
The final
destruction of the city of Jerusalem was a catastrophic moment to the land and
to the psychic of the Jewish people. Yet by this time, the Lord of hosts
had put all of the treasures He desired into hiding to await a day of future
Monetary Conversion Table
Talent- In the Hebrew system of measurement we have
the following:
The talent, mina, shekel, Öpim, beka, and
Talent - 3000 shekels
75.600 pounds.
Mina - 50 shekels
(60 Babylonian)
1.260 pounds.
Shekel (‘to weigh’)
Fractional Shekels:
Öpim, beka and
12 English tons = 2000
1.00 pound = 12 troy
Credits and
Bible Searchers
Vendyl Jones
Research Institute Sites
Vendyl Jones Research Institute Home Page
Emeq HaMelekh by the Vendyl Jones
Research Institute
A Door of Hope
by the Vendyl Jones Research Institute
Ashes for
Beauty--The Mysterious Ashes of
the Red Heifer by Jim Long
The Gate Between Two
Walls, by Vendyl
Vendyl Jones and the Ark of the
Covenant by Gerard
Temple Mount Sites
The Temple Institute on recreation the Furnishing for the New Temple in
The Temple Mount in
the Temple Mount Organization
The Gihon Springs Temple Site by Ernest Martin
Emeq HaMelekh
Emeq HaMelekh by the Vendyl Jones
Research Institute
The Temple and the Copper Scrolls by the Order of the Nazarene Essenes
Emeq HaMelekh and
the Ark in King Tut’s Tomb by
Emeq HaMelekh
by the Vendyl Jones
The Treasures in
the House of the Lord by Lambert Dolphin
The Baghdad
Looters swoop into new areas of
Baghdad by the
US failed to save Iraqi Treasures by Reuters
Mosul descends into chaos as even museum is
looted by the
Saving Iraq’s Treasures by the Smithsonian Institute
Iraqi Artifacts and Manuscripts found by Washington Post
No Mass Theft of Antiquities by WorldNetDaily
Ancient Assyrian Treasures found intact in Baghdad by National Geographic
Missing Iraqi Artifact found in secret vault – the
Nimrod Collection by
US has recovered many artifacts by Philip Shenon
Art World gives Tomb Raiders a cold
shoulder by Anthony
Jeremiah and the
Last Years of Judah
The Last Years of the Nation of
The Restoration of the Temple by King
Josiah (622/621 BCE)
First Babylonian Invasion - 605
The Second Invasion of Babylon - 597
The Final Destruction of Jerusalem - 586
Zedekiah flees thought the Gate between
the Walls
The Guardian of the Treasuries in Babylon
Chaggai and Zechariah return to
Baruk, scribe of Jeremiah dies in
Jeremiah and Temar Tephi, daughter of
King Zedekiah in Egypt
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