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The Twelve Stones for the Tribes of Israel,

David, son of David, a righteous king over Israel

and the Gihon River at the Final Restoration of Israel

The Prophet Jeremiah and the Five Guardians of Solomon’s Temple Treasures

Part Thirteen

by Robert Mock MD

June, 2003



Mishnah 12

The Secret Mission of Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi

The Twelve Tribal Gemstones preserved for the Restored Twelve Tribes of Israel

Shimshiel, the custodial angel of Solomon’s Treasures

The Twelve Tribal Gemstones preserved for the Restored Twelve Tribes of Israel

David, son of David to rule over Israel

Will the Millennial Kingdom be ruled by David or will it be Yeshua?

The Entire Inventory of the Emeq HaMelekh will be given to David, son of David

The restoration of the treasures by the outpouring of the Gihon River

coming from the Temple of the Lord.

The Fountain of Zechariah

The Land flowing with Milk and Honey

The River Gihon Flowing from the Temple

The Division of the Land to the sons of Noah


Mishnah 12


Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi, was given twelve more precious stones in order to hide them so that they could [eventually] be restored to the Tribes [of Israel]. The names of the Tribes were engraved on them, and they shone on the Tribe's heads, excellent and precious, one more than the other.


No king, prophet, or anyone else knew where they were hidden, excepting Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi. The remainder of the wealth and glory that was in Jerusalem was taken by angel Shimshiel. Shimur, Hiluk, and their companions, the Levites, later went and showed it to Michael and Gavriel.


All Israel concealed the Vessels until a righteous king arises over Israel. What's more, they all swore a solemn vow never to reveal the whereabouts of these vessels until David, son of David, arises.


All silver, gold, and Margaliot (precious stones) which was ever hidden away will be handed over to him when the exiles of Israel will be gathered from the four ends of the earth, and they ascend with greatness and exaltation to the land of Israel.


At that time, a great river will issue forth from the Holy of Holies of the Temple. Its name is Gihon, and it will flow to the great and dreadful desert, and become mixed with the Euphrates River. Immediately, all the Vessels will float up and be revealed.


The Secret Mission of Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi


Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi, was given twelve more precious stones in order to hide them so that they could [eventually] be restored to the Tribes [of Israel]. The names of the Tribes were engraved on them, and they shone on the Tribe's heads, excellent and precious, one more than the other.


The final and possibly most precious treasure from the temple of Solomon was put in the custody of Hiluk, the son of Shimur the Levite.  This is the same Shimur, who was the author of the Emeq HaMelekh and one of the five Levite Tzaddiks were responsible for hiding the entire treasury of Moses, David and Solomon.


The Twelve Tribal Gemstones preserved for the

Restored Twelve Tribes of Israel


Twelve precious gems, each with the engraved name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel was given to Hiluk Ha Levi.  What was the purpose of this mission?  Why was he the only one to have the privilege to seek the resting place for these exotic gems?  The fact that he was given ‘twelve more precious stones’ suggest that they were not the gems from the ephod of the High Priest called the ‘Breastplate’. This hiding spot was so secret that its location was not given to anyone, king or prophet, except to Hiluk, son of Shimur the Levites. 


The final and ultimate goal would be when the twelve tribes would return to the land of Israel, each to his own homeland, and each tribe would be given custody of its own tribal treasure.  For the Christians who are insistent that Israel will not exist at the time of the end, need to reconsider again their theological and their own institutional-centric theology of the Christian Church.  The prophets of Israel and Judah are in one accord along with the Emeq HaMelekh, all the tribes of Israel, not just Judah will return to the land of their fathers that was promised to them.


That the entire concept of “Spiritual Israel” as a means of taking the ‘Church’ and defining the Church as the ‘chosen-ones’ replacing the children of Israel is the theological baby of Roman orthodoxy.  This has been portrayed in the purpose and mission of the Roman Catholic Church over the last twelve millenniums.  Using the theological jumping point of Augustine the Great and his book, ‘The City of God’, where Jerusalem was replaced by Rome as God’s chosen city, the papacy reached the ultimate fulfillment of its mission in Charlemagne, Charles the Great, when he was crowned as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 801 CE. As such, all the royalty of Europe spent considerable effort to trace their genealogies to Charlemagne.


Yet in this final Mishnah in the Emeq HaMelekh, the final atonement of ‘All Israel” will be defined when each tribe will receive its tribal gem.  Where did these stones come from?  The ephod remained intact as described in Mishnah 8 with the Garments of the High Priest.  The fact that these stones are twelve in number suggests that they are not the Stones of Remembrance that were worn of the shoulders of the High Priest which were two in number.


Shimshiel, the custodial angel of Solomon’s Treasures


No king, prophet, or anyone else knew where they were hidden, excepting Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi. The remainder of the wealth and glory that was in Jerusalem was taken by angel Shimshiel. Shimur, Hiluk, and their companions, the Levites, later went and showed it to Michael and Gavriel.



That the custodial angel of the twelve stones, Shimshiel, took these stone to be evaluated by Gabriel, the archangel, who was the guardian of the gentile Church along with Michael, the guardian of Israel and the signet archangel who stood as the universal representative for the Son of the Living God also suggests their universal significance.  And of coarse we know that the Son of the Living God , known as the Angel that stood in the presence of God or called the Captain of the Hosts, was none other then Yeshua ben Joseph, known to the gentiles as Jesus Christ. 


These treasures according to the oral tradition, would be kept in the custody of the angelic hosts, until there would come a righteous king called David, the son of David.


Great care must be taken not to take a spiritual interpretation of these passages at these times, for as found in the Tosefta manuscript, now known as the Emeq Ha Melekh and the twin document engraved on two large marble tablet, these were literal accounts by literal historical people, prophetically writing about event to be taken place at a literal event/s at the time of the end.


To understand this Mishnah, one also has to put it in the context of its historical political sequence at the time of the end.  Over and over, prophetic scholars are asking, When? when? when?  Is there a timeline?  Does one event come before another?  Do they run parallel with each other?  Do these prophecies move and one prophecy within another?    How many times have we taken our personal bias or our church institutional bias into the prophecies to be fulfilled at the time of the end as a dueling match between religious hierarchies such as the evangelical scholars vs. rabbinic scholars or Christian prophetic schools such as the historical prophetic scholars vs the dispensational prophecy scholars.  Yet all theological positions play into the context of one question, When will it happen? 


David, son of David to rule over Israel


In that Day, David, son of David, will have his genes typed and his genealogies documented to be truly of the House of David.  When this day comes, these treasures will be revealed and be returned to the custody of his care.  When will that day be?  The Coming of the Messiah will occur in the proper time when the Lord of hosts in His great wisdom and mercy will time this great aliyah or homecoming of the children of the Lost Tribes of Israel.  Here in the time of the end, they will return back to the Land of Israel.


In fairness to these mishnayots, the time sequence into the final events of this historical era on planet earth are portrayed in these twelve Mishnahs not as the culmination of the grand march of God’s Church “Marching to Zion”, but in that day when, “a righteous king arises to rule over Israel.” 


“All Israel concealed the Vessels until a righteous king arises over Israel. What's more, they all swore a solemn vow never to reveal the whereabouts of these vessels until David, son of David, arises.”


Here we see, contrary to a lot of Christian prophetic interpretations on the time of the end, there will arise a ruler in Israel of the House of David, who will be called David.  Some Jewish traditions state that King David will be resurrected.  Other traditions of the Jews state that their will be two Moschiachs or messiahs at the time of the end.  One will be the Moschiach ben Joseph (the messiah son of Joseph) and the other will be  the Moschiach ben David (the messiah son of David)  Yet we now ask, if we are now to look for a righteous king called David, son of David, what are we to look for?  Will this righteous king be the name of the future or second messiah or Moschiach? 


Will the Millennial Kingdom be ruled by David or will it be Jesus?


Since most of Christianity today is still amillennialist, they do not believe in the literal second coming of Jesus.  The Roman Catholic Church which composes of almost a majority of Christians around the world believe that Jesus has already come in the spirit and reigns on earth with the Pope as his personal earthly representative.  The Protestant Churches that still have a close liturgical affinity and theology with Roman Catholicism have various degrees of concepts in the spiritual return of Jesus and as such deny the literal return of Jesus and the geo-religio-political role of the return of the House of Judah (the Jews) and the House of Joseph/Manasseh as part of the apocalyptic events at the time of the end. 


Take a look at the dynamics of the foreign policy of the United States government under George Bush Jr.  President Bush, a born-again Baptist Christian, was raised in a fundamental conservative Christian world that has fostered in part the conceptual ideas of a literal return of Jesus and the role of the Jewish people as part of the political and catastrophic events at the time of the end.  The State Department on the other hand of the Bush administration is pretty much controlled by liberal Christians of the Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Methodist Churches who are amillinialist and do not believe in a literal return of Jesus and a role for the Nation of Israel at the time of the end.  Neither do they believe in a time of the end, for amillinialists believe we are now in the millennium and the geo-political transformation of society to eradicate evil by political and military eradication of terrorists who support American’s brand of terrorist, that is those who are against American democracy and the emergence of America’s brand of  global government.. To the State Department, Israel is just another country in the Middle East who is to be America’s puppet to export democracy to the overwhelming population of the Middle East who are Islamic.   Why bother with a race and people are inconsequential in real geo-politics of future global government, except that they control the world’s source of fossil fuels, which supple the work-engines of world political domination.  


As in the days of the Early Christian Church when the Jewish-Hebrew philosophy was gradually stripped away from the doctrines of the emerging Roman Church, so today we see a reversal of that cycle.  It will be a shock to many Christians who suddenly realize that they are not in a millennium in which the thrust of humanitarianism is to create a New World Order and a future peace for all mankind. It will also be a shock to many fundamental Christians that their denomination centric vision of a spiritual rapture to the Sea of Glass surrounding the Throne of God has one caveat; David, the son of David must arise as a righteous king over ‘All Israel’. 


Christians today are not looking for a David, son of David.  They are only looking for the return of Jesus, son of Joseph, born into the House of David. Will Jesus Christ, recognized by most Christians as the incarnated Son of God be reincarnated two millenniums later into David ben David (David son of David)?  Will this Jesus ala David ben David suddenly transform himself as an other dimensional being coming in on the ‘clouds of heaven’ or will he be raised up as a child like Yeshua was in the house of his father, Joseph of the House of David?  If so, is the future messiah or the future king of Israel alive today living today in the Land of Israel or somewhere else on planet earth?  Is the literal return of Jesus awaiting the day when a David, son of David will be revealed or the real David, son of David be revealed after Jesus returns in the clouds of glory and eradicates the evil forces, human and inter-dimensional, that are opposing the restoration and setting up of the real literal ‘kingdom of God’. 


This statement produces some interesting questions on genealogy.  Jesus, called Yeshua to his contemporaries, was called the ‘son of man’, the ‘son of Joseph’, the brother of Jacob (James), and the ‘son of Mary’.  He was also known through his genealogies as a descendant of the House of David. 

Most biblical genealogists assume that “son of” can also mean a ‘descent of’ or of the ‘house of’, or the ‘grandson of’, thereby giving a multi-generational flexibility to the words, ‘son of”.  Of course giving this latitude in describing the earthly descendants, one has to also consider the term, ‘Son of God’ in the context of the historical Jesus living in first century Judaism.  Does this mean a ‘descendant of the Almighty’, a ‘genetic son of the Lord of hosts’ or as some Christians might say, “God Himself”?


Every student seeking to understand the Lord of hosts walks in perilous straits when trying to define the actual relationship between Yeshua and ‘His Father’.  Why?  Because to understand the relationship of Jesus to His Father, the Lord of hosts, any scholar must reach into the nature of existence in that other dimensional world called the World of the Divine.  Who then has the preeminent right to describe the relationship of Jesus with His Father or gives us an understanding as to the relationship of Jesus to each one of us, than Jesus Himself. As Jesus stated,


“As I am One with the Father, ye are one with me?


Does this text state imply the ancient Jewish concept that as the temple of Solomon was a reflection of the temple in heaven by the very Throne of God so also the relationship of the saints as sons and daughter of God to Jesus is a reflection of the relationship of Jesus with His Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. One we can see, live and understand literal, the other we can only understand spiritually. Yet in doing so, it changes the very nature of our being on how we live literally. 


Many Christian scholars jump ship at this time and start a spiritual analysis of what is in essence was a very literal relationship.  The mystery of the incarnation of Jesus from the world of the Divine can only be cloaked in the precautions that we are trying to describe what existence in that inter-dimensional life called ‘God’s World’ is all about.  Yet that is not deep enough.  A large segment of inter-dimensional life reside beings that are also created.  There are other planetary worlds of creation and higher in the dimensional worlds are the angelic forces and above them are the archangels that surround the very Throne of God. 


According to Hebrew sages, the world we live in is the fourth and lowest of world of existence. That is, there are three worlds of creation and the World of the Divine, which is not created. The archangels and the angelic hosts live in an other dimensional world that is beyond our own five physical senses, so when we become so enamored as we try to pamper our physical senses; silken clothes, exotic foods, souped-up automobiles, mind-blasting music, heart-rending classics of literature and extreme sports, we must remind ourselves, our three dimensional physical sensors on our bodies are at the bottom of the totem-pole of the multiple universes that God has created. 


So therefore, let us now reach into ourselves to massage our own arrogance and pamper our own pride, but reach up to that multi-dimensional Source of all life. Is this unfathomable Other, the Ein Sof in the most mystical of Hebrew philosophical thought, a Being, a family of Beings, or a World of Beings.  Obviously our scientific brains who explore the wonders of the universe are about as knowledgeable of the real essence of the Being of God as an ant has the comprehension of the workings of human thought and physiological body processes of man. 


For the Christian, irregardless of whether we are Trinitarians (believers of the full deity and divinity of Jesus called Athanasians) as espoused by Athanasius of Alexandria as the author of the religious concept that eventually became the Nicean Creed, or Arians, (believers in the humanity of Jesus with various models on how Divinity was given to Jesus) as espoused by Arias, a presbyter in the church of Alexandria, Egypt, or a blend between the two, known as Semi-Arians, we much first understand that any Jewish or Hebrew philosophical ideas on the divine were discarded before the discussion of ‘Who the Christian God” actually was like actually began


The Jewish concepts of the God of Abraham were extracted from their Hebrew philosophical base and transplanted to the Greco-Roman philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.  All the wars of genocide between the Christian followers of the Trinitarians versus the Arians in the days of the formation of the Christian Church were based on philosophical arguments that have no basis in the Torah and the philosophical economy of the Hebrews. Yes, we are all intrepid explorers in the multi-dimensional world which none of have any real or experiential knowledge.  How then can we be so dogmatic in our understanding and calloused in our variant views to our own doctrines?


Well, here in this Mishnah, we are asked not to address who, but to recognize that the son of David, recognized by Jewish and Christian scholars alike was also called David, son of David.  Will King David be resurrected and have a literal genetic son who will be called, David, son of David?  Will this future messiah be recognized as a literal descendant of the House of David?  In this era where the scientists of the world have completed the genetic mapping of man and that genealogical archives of the ancients will be correlated with the human gene banks of the world, the understanding of the Bible will carry a new significance?  The 144,000 may truly be 12,000 literal descendants of each of the twelve ancestral fathers of the children of Israel, known as the sons of Jacob or the sons of Israel.


We know that Jesus was the literal descendant of the literal House of David.  Jesus was of Hebrew royal blood.  How?  The Matthew and Lucan genealogies claim that this descent was through two separate lineages: the House of Solomon and House of Nathan, both literal sons of David, king of United Monarchy of Israel.  Yet there is no record of any David that was born to King David.  Was this a lost son of one of the concubines of King David or a lost son of one of the five wives of David?   Also both of these genealogies ask us to believe that Jesus was the literal ancestral descent of the House of David  though his father, Joseph. 


Wait a minute!  How can Jesus be a literal descendant of King David through Joseph, who now has two New Testament genealogies through two separate fathers?  Also how can Jesus be a literal descendant of King David through Joseph when according to Christian orthodoxy via the Roman Catholic traditions, Joseph was not the literal father of Jesus?  Who then was Jesus’ Father?  The Lord of host, of course!  I know that we are running a perilous journey through many topics of taboo, but we are BibleSearchers, so we ask for divine guidance as we now weed our way through many of the mysteries and the taboos of Christian dogma.


Did the Lord of hosts transfer genetic DNA from the world of the Divine to the ovum of Mary, a 12-14 year old maiden in Galilee?  If so, then we are making a profound proposition into the existence of life in other dimensions and into the existence of the very nature of God Himself.  Does God have DNA?  Are angels and archangels composed of carbon-based DNA sequences like humans?  Maybe they are silicon or boron based life structures instead.  In a way we are trapped.  We are stuck in our three dimensional world and have no way to prove the validity of any of these thesis unless….maybe we have the actual blood of Jesus.  Maybe an angelic messenger or maybe the archangel Gabriel will reveal himself in our three dimensional world and allow us to do angel gene typing or archangel gene typing on him (or her)…. or it?  Could we at that time cry out, ”Will the real Jesus please stand up.”  Is the birth of Jesus another story of the ancients of gods and other dimensional beings impregnating human maidens that form the hero stories of the forefathers of the ancients?  Are we dealing with other dimensional realities that cannot be testing in the earthly elements or are not subject to the electrons flowing throughout this universe?


Now that we have worked up our minds in multi-dimensional ways concerning the Yeshua and David son of David, you have two different pathways to study.  To continue the study on the nature of Yeshua ben Joseph ben David:


Jesus (Yeshua), son of David


The Entire Inventory of the Emeq HaMelekh

Will be given to David, son of David


“All silver, gold, and Margaliot (precious stones) which was ever hidden away will be handed over to him (David, son of David) when the exiles of Israel will be gathered from the four ends of the earth, and they ascend with greatness and exaltation to the land of Israel.


We have studied extensively the inventories of these twelve Mishnahs and the fabulous wealth that was hidden as part of the archives of the Temple of Solomon.  These were furnishings built by Bezaleel, stones quarried by Moses on Sinai, gold, silver and gems imported by David and Solomon, lyres and harps built by David, a 49 lamped menorah built under the supervision of Solomon and much more. 


Even more so, these archives are being protected and preserved by other the other-dimensional guardian angel of the temple of Solomon, Shimshiel, who under the supervision of archangels Gabriel, the archangel for the gentile world  and Michael, the archangel for Israel was to preserve and protect these treasures.


Ancient historians have written extensively about the great human migrations in history.  Cataclysms and catastrophes would destroy the homelands of various tribes and nations, only to watch them move in mass to a new home.  The Sea People of the 14th- 15th centuries were cast off the islands of Minoa and Crete and moved in mass into the Nile delta and were repelled by Ramses IVth in Egypt. They later moved along the Mediterranean coast of Canaan and became the Philistine nation.


The Hibiru people living also in Nile Delta in the 14-15th centuries made a mass exodus from the land of Goshen during a great catastrophe over the land of Egypt and years later settled in the land of Canaan. Evidence for mass dislocations of nations and tribes of people have been found on every continent, the Mayans in the Peten in Mexico, the Mongol hordes as they headed into eastern Europe, the Islamic warriors as they raced across  northern Africa into Spain.


None of these mass migrations will be like the mass migrations of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel. Some scholars call these people, Josephites, because some of the prophets use the House of Joseph (Josephites) and especially Ephraim, the son of Joseph to collectively refer to the return of these ancient people.  Yet something appears to be different.  They will not return in mass from the east to the west, or from the west to the east.  Somehow, through a mystical yet very literal process they will know that this is their time to return to the Land of Israel.  They will come from every one of the seventy primary nations or language groups of the world.  They will not come as displaced people, but with great exaltation and like the Hebrews in the land of Egypt, they will come with great wealth given to them from the land of their birth.  Like the great annual bird migration that traverse the globe, there will an internal clock that will tell them, “Yes, you are an Israelite.” It is now time to go home


The restoration of the treasures by the outpouring of the Gihon River

coming from the Temple of the Lord.


At that time, a great river will issue forth from the Holy of Holies of the Temple. Its name is Gihon, and it will flow to the great and dreadful desert, and become mixed with the Euphrates River. Immediately, all the Vessels will float up and be revealed.


At this time the Gihon Springs will erupt forth into a massive geyser from beneath the site of the temple of the Lord.  Will the site of the original Holy of Holiest in the Temple of Solomon already be identified at this time?  We do not know.  Will the eruption of this river give a clue to the site of the Holy of Holiest?  That is a great possibility. The Lord of hosts speaks in mysterious ways.  All the various sites on the present Temple Mount as to where various scholars feel the Holy Place of the temple stood will be relegated to the dusty shelves of archeological minutia. When the Lord of hosts speaks, the world will truly notice!


The Fountain of Zechariah


Over and over the prophets of Israel and Judah spoke of a day when the land of Israel will be raised up higher than all other mountains. Zechariah spoke eloquently about this day, when the Moschiak (Messiah) will come down and his feet will touch the Mount of Olives and a great earthquake will split the tectonic rift beneath the city of Jerusalem and a mighty river will erupt forth under the Holy of Holies of the Temple, going west to the Great Sea, the Mediterranean, and to the east to the Dead Sea. 


Zechariah 14:1,2 (parts),3-4,8 - “Behold the Day of the Lord is Coming….then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle. 


And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem on the  east and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south…..


And in that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them toward the western sea…”


We are introduced to the eruption of this fountain in its purpose or mystical and spiritual significance. 


Zechariah13:1  In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness.


Here we are introduced to a moment of time at the time of the end which is called ‘in that day’. If we accept the Oracles of Zechariah as being a literal prophetic oracle about the time of the end than after the expansion of Israel to encompass Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, we see a progressive geo-political rift between Jerusalem and the rest of the world in which, “in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.” (12:3) Israel will be attacked and instead of fighting her battles with valor and honor, the Lord of hosts intervenes with this statement,


Zechariah 12:4 - “I will smite every horse with astonishment, every rider with madness and will open Mine eyes upon the house of Judah.”


If we thought that Israel was beginning to look invincible, think again.  Since 1948, Israel has successfully won every war against the Islamic nations that have surrounded her.  In 1967, Jerusalem became the capital of Israel for the first time since the fall of Jerusalem to the 10th legion of the forces of Vespasium in 70 CE.  No other nation or tribe or people have claimed or used this city as her capital in the last 2000 years.  It was a dusty dreary malaria infested village until the Irgun forces of Menachin Begin fought off her British overlords in 1948 and Israel became an independent nation.  The borders of Israel began to expand with the addition of the Golan Heights in the Yom Kippur war plus the addition of the Sinai peninsula to the rapidly retreating Egyptian army and that expansion will continue through the time of the end.  (See Zechariah Nine and Ten)


Yet the Lord of hosts states;


Zechariah 12:6 - “I will make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood…” and “the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” 


It is the Lord of hosts that will finally return to intervene in the political maneuvering of the nations of the earth.  Woe unto the nations that seek to destroy Israel, because HaShem states,


Zechariah 12:9 - “I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem….and I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication.”


At this time “There shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem” for then the scales will be removed from the eyes of the Jewish people in recognition that Yeshua, their long lost son is truly their messiah, redeemer and Savior.


Then at this time “there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem”.  This Twelfth Mishnah adds two more dimensions to that dramatic event not given by the other prophets of Israel. 


1.       The name of this River described in Amos, Ezekiel and Zechariah  is the Gihon River


This event appears to be the beginning of the restoration of Eden as one of the four rivers flowing out of the mighty River of Eden, called Gihon, which no antiquarian, historian, geologist has been able to discover, will erupt and once again be restored to its original purpose, to encircle the whole land of Cush. 


2.      The  Gihon River not only will traverse to the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead but will continue onward until it reaches the Euphrates


Yet there will be one more event that will happen.  Instead of flowing only to the Dead Sea, this River Gihon will continue over the Euphrates River and when their waters mingle, the turbulence will cause the hidden cache of temple treasures in Babylon and possibly Baghdad to be eroded open and ‘the Vessels will float up and be revealed.


The events at the End of Days continue to pour forth.  In this chapter, we notice that ‘in that day” a “fountain” will be opened for the house of David and the Jewish inhabitants in the Jerusalem. For what reason will this fountain be opened?  It will bring forth the spiritual cleansing ‘for sin in the house of David and for uncleanness in the city of Jerusalem.


The city and the temple mount premises have been defiled.  The gentile nations continue to trample on the courts of the temple.  In the context of the Moschiach, Y’shua identifies himself as the “Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End” and as such is the ‘fountain of Life” (Rev, 21:6-7), which now he will give freely, this time to the Jewish people.  Even though they have kept the Torah to various degree of success, their ‘sins’ still need to be wiped out and before the Land comes renewed and Jesus reigns over a purified messianic kingdom, the people and the land will have to also be purified, or swept clean of any uncleanliness.        


Within what is known as the old city of Jerusalem today, there are no springs known.  Yet, since 1999, there has been a trickle of water coming out of the Western Wall from apparently a deep water aquifer deep within the tunnels beneath the temple.  As many have suspected, there is a deep water aquifer beneath the Temple Mount and when that day comes that it rises to the surface, Jerusalem will for the first time have fresh and living spring water for the baths of the mikhvots for the purification rites of the Jewish people and fresh living spring water needed to mix with the ashes of the red heifer for the purification of the land and the purification from corpse defilement.  That the land is defiled is well known as all along the eastern side of the temple outside the blocked up entrance of the Eastern Gate is a large Islamic cemetery created for the very purpose of preventing the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecy of the Moshiach, the Messiah ben David from returning and entering into the Eastern Gate.  Yes, the land will have to be purified.  With the blood that has run within the land because of the Intifada


The Land flowing with Milk and Honey


Zechariah is not the only prophet who speaks of the water coming from beneath the house of the Lord.  The prophet Joel connects this day also with the time of the Latter Rain when the whole land of Israel will become like the days when the children of Israel stood on the border of the Jordan and listened to the reports Caleb and Joshua and the ten spies that were sent into the land.  It was a land flowing with milk and honey.


Joel 3: 18:  “ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with water, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the Lord and shall water the valley of Shittim


Here is a picture reminiscing the days of Joshua, when he, Caleb and the rest of the scouts were sent on a mission of reconnaissance into the land of Canaan.  Looking over the land of Israel today, it is less difficult to image a land of milk and honey, then is was in the days when the Arab caliphs controlled the land.  Until the arrival of the Jewish people back to the land in the 1880s, the land of Israel was a parched and desolate land, denuded of all of its forests by the Turks, infested with marshes and a populations of roaming Bedouin tribes and land owners that could barely grow enough provisions for their own families.


Yet we are asked to image the dry gorges and wadis near Qumran, running full of water, lakes abounding in the central valley of Israel, vineyards and citrus orchards sprouting over the hilltops.  The French, Italian, Spanish and Californian vineyards will not be able to compete as the mountainside vineyards of Israel will produce grapes to rival the huge clusters of grapes that Israelite scouts brought back to show camp of Israel.  As the story states in the Book of Number.  As the scouts went into the land of Canaan,


Numbers 13:23-24 - “They came to the gorge of Eshcol, and there they cut a branch with a single bunch of grapes, and they carried it on a pole two at a time; they also picked pomegranates and figs. It was from the bunch of grapes which the Israelites cut there that that place was named the gorge of Eshcol.”


The children of Israel murmured and turned away from the Promised Land, but this time at the time of the end, the anticipation of the millennial kingdom ruled by their messiah will only create greater fervor for ‘that day.’


Geologists and climatologists have already confirmed that the Middle East was once upon a time a land with an abundance of rain and residing in a temperate zone more akin to the Amazon and the Congo.  Will there be a latitude shift during this time?  Scientists today are also predicting a polar shift and coupled with an eruption along the Ring of Fire with volcanoes, greater earthquakes and tectonic shifting of the continental plates and a potential crustal shift on the mantle of the earth, a ten to fifteen degree shift would quickly bring Israel back into a temperate climate zone. On March 15, 2003, global earthquakes were being recorded on all seismographs around the world at the same time and continued for several weeks.


In fact over the past decade there has been an ongoing controversy on whether the Sphinx and the mortuary temples around the Giza Pyramids actually show evidence of rapid water erosion.  According to the evolutionary based geological model, the land of Egypt about 10,000 years ago was actually a wet land with deltas and marshlands around the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx.  This is the basis of the controversy between the orthodox archeologists in Egypt today, headed by Dr. Zahi Hawass and the advante-garde archeologists, such as Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, who wrote the books, Fingerprints of the God, The Orion Mystery, and The Message of the Sphinx.


If the land of Egypt was a wet-lands in the historical archeological past, then the Sinai Peninsula and the Land of Canaan prior to the entry of Joshua and the Children of Israel would have been a land of forests, wetlands, abundant vineyards and an agricultural paradise.  Another question that needs to be asked, was this era of wet-lands and temperate climate before or after the great flood of Noah?  The answer is unclear. 


If the waters of the flood spread over all the land before Noah and his family disembarked from the Ark and the continental plates did not separate until the days of Jared, fifth in descent from Noah, then we would have to assume that a lot of the land mass around the world today was in lakes and savannahs.  That truly has been confirmed looking at the fossil beds in the steppes and deserts of the worlds today.


Well the Prophet Ezekiel in anticipation of the erection of a monumental House of the Lord being built in the Land of Israel penned this vision given to Him by the Lord.


Ezekiel 47:1-2 parts -  “Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar"  And he brought me out by the way of the gate northward, and led me around the way outside to the outer gate by the way that faces to the east; and, behold, there ran out water on the right side”

And he said to me, ‘These waters flow out towards the eastern region, and go down to the Arabah, to the sea; and when they enter the sea, the waters shall be healed…… And by the stream, upon its bank, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for food, whose leaf shall not wither, nor shall its fruit fail; it shall bring forth fresh fruit every month, because the waters for them flow from the sanctuary; and their fruit shall be for food, and their leaves for healing."


Most rabbinic and Christian scholars believe that the vision of the future temple that was given to the Prophet Ezekiel, while living in the land of Babylon, is still a future prophecy since there has been no temple built to its specifications since the temple of Zerubbabel which was later reconstruction into the temple of Herod at the time of Christ.


The topographical features in the land have never been known as described in the history of mankind.  That these geological and topographical features did exist during the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is a real possibility. Was not the Garden of Eden described as a mount upon which the River of Eden gushed forth from the ground and waters the entire Garden of Eden? Here we see the great likelihood of seeing a cyclical drama of Paradise Lost returning to a Paradise Restored.  Yet the BibleSearchers do believe, if the Lord of hosts states that He will do something, we can with great confidents believe that it will be done.


The Temple and the Temple Mount – Ernest Martin


The river as it flows from the temple is described with exact detail that the source of the river will “issue out from under the threshold of the house eastward.”  In the enclosed illustration created by the late Earnest Martin Ph.D., we are seeing a model of the House of God, which is erected south of the temple mount over the site of the present Gihon Springs. 


According to Ezekiel, the river, called the Gihon River in the Mishnah by Shimon HaLevi and in vision by Ezekiel will come from the south side of the temple (to the left on the lower point in the valley below the temple in this illustration) and then cascade around the eastern wall of the temple.  From the temple platform the water will flow eastward, first as a trickle, then ankle deep, waist deep and then a flowing current. 


The River Gihon will then proceed through the Mount of Olives which presently blocks its eastward passage, and head towards the desert rocky cliffs of Qumran and Jericho, which will then be covered with meadows and newly growing forests and then onward to the Dead Sea.


The River Gihon flowing from the Temple


Let us know read again the description of this river as prophesied in the twelfth mishnah written by Shimon HaLevi.  Let us remind ourselves that Shimon HaLevi very well was the priest, Shimon HaZaddik, who sacrificed the third and the fourth Red Heifer after Ezra the Cohen sacrificed the second at the purification of the second temple. This places Shimon HaLevi as a participant in the restoration of the exiles from Babylon in 441 BCE. 


The remainder of the wealth and glory that was in Jerusalem was taken by angel Shimshiel. Shimur, Hiluk, and their companions, the Levites, later went and showed it to Michael and Gavriel. All Israel concealed the Vessels until a righteous king arises over Israel.  What’s more, they all swore a solemn vow never to reveal the whereabouts of these vessels until David, son of David, arises.  All silver, gold, and Margaliot (precious stones) which was ever hidden away will be handed over to him when the exiles of Israel will be gathered from the four ends of the earth and they ascend with greatness and exaltation to the land of Israel.


At that time, a great river will issue forth from the Holy of Holies of the Temple. It’s name is Gihon, and it will flow to the great and dreadful desert, and become mixed with the Euphrates River.  Immediately, all the Vessels will float up and be revealed.

In all the Biblical passages by the prophets of old, none have revealed the name of the river that will proceed out from the temple wall, yet in this passage, this river’s name is Gihon. Let us remind ourselves that the Gihon River is one of the four rivers that proceeded forth from the River of Eden.  Is it not a coincidence that that only living spring in the vicinity of Jerusalem also is called the Gihon Springs. 


Ezekiel 47:3-12 - And when the man who had the line in his hand went out eastward, he measured a thousand cubits (611 yards), and he brought me through the water; the water reached the ankles. And he measured a thousand (1222 yards), and brought me through the water; the water reached the knees. And he measured a thousand (1833 yards), and brought me through; the water reached the loins. And he measured a further thousand (2444 yards); and it was a stream that I could not pass over; for the water had risen, water to swim in, a stream that could not be passed over. And he said to me, Son of man, have you seen this? Then he brought me, and caused me to return to the edge of the stream. And when I had returned, behold, at the bank of the stream were many trees on one side and on the other.”


According to the World English Bible (WEB), “a cubit is a unit of linear measure, from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger of a man. This unit is commonly converted to 0.46 meters or 18 inches, although that varies with height of the man doing the measurement. There is also a "long" cubit that is longer than a regular cubit by a handbreadth. (Ezekiel 43:13)”  Using Ezekiel’s Long Cubit, where the handbreadth is about 4 inches, then 1000 cubits would be 611 yards.


Bearing due east from the Gihon Springs site, about 2000 cubits would be at the top of the Mount of Olives, so we have within a distance of just past the peak of the Mount of Olives, the water is flowing in a torrent where a person cannot wade across the river. 


And this man continued in his description to Ezekiel: 


Ezekiel 47:8-12 -These waters flow out towards the eastern region, and go down to the Arabah, to the sea; and when they enter the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that every thing that lives, which moves, wherever the streams shall come, shall live; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come there; for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live where the stream comes. And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from Ein-Gedi as far as Ein-Eglayim; they shall be a place for spreading nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, a great many like the fish of the Great Sea. But its swamps and its marshes shall not be healed; they shall be left for salt. And by the stream, upon its bank, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for food, whose leaf shall not wither, nor shall its fruit fail; it shall bring forth fresh fruit every month, because the waters for them flow from the sanctuary; and their fruit shall be for food, and their leaves for healing."


These verses are a beautiful reminder of the symbiotic relationship between a literal event at the end of times and the spiritual event that shall accompany it.  Let us look first at the literal event. By all appearances, accompanying the actual arrival of the messiah, Y’shua or Jesus, which is described in chapter 14, a fountain, which was not known to exist shall begin to erupt forth from the eastern gate of the temple mount. Whether this fountain will be associated with the earthquake and the separation of the continental plates beneath the Mount of Olives when Y’shua steps upon the mount (14:3), we can only make a supposition at this time.  From every appearance, a subterranean body of water will burst forth and a new mighty river will emerge from the sight where the future Ezekiel Temple will reside. Though this is a physical event, which may be unusual, it will be viewed by the Jews as a divine gift and a physical show of intervention on the part of HaShem for His people.  A physical event will be transformed into spiritual event that transcends the dimensions in which we can perceive with our physical senses. 


In early 1999, a trickle of water began to seep from under the Temple Mount (Haram ash Sherif) while the Moslem were trying to pray to Allah in the east towards Mecca. 

Here is a documentary report by Gershom Salomon from the Temple Mount Faithful about this event.


In the fall of 2001, an orthodox Jewish attorney, Jack Golbert had a private audience with the BibleSearchers and confirmed the reports of a stream of water emitting from the Temple Mount sector.  This river, in his and many orthodox Jewish minds, will emanate eastward from the site of the future Ezekiel Temple, a temple that is not to be a recreation of Solomon’s Temple but a far grander edifice surpassing any physical religious edifice that this earth has ever seen.


Just before messiah touches down on the Mount of Olives, the trickle of spring water that has gradually been seeping out from beneath the foundation of the Temple Mount, will in the coming cataclysms that will alter the landscape around Jerusalem, become a mighty cleansing and purifying river, sent to purify and cleanse the Land of Israel. 



The Restoration of the Temple vessels from Babylon to Jerusalem


Daniel was given the honors


Ezra 1:7-11 - “King Cyrus also brought out the articles of the house of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem and put in the temple of his gods; and Cyrus king of Persia brought them out by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer, and counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah. This is the number of them: thirty gold platters, one thousand silver platters, twenty-nine knives, thirty gold basins, four hundred and ten silver basins of a similar kind, and one thousand other articles.  All the articles of gold and silver were five thousand four hundred. Al these Sheshbazzar took with the captives who were brought from Babylon to Jerusalem.


Since the Lord of hosts convinced Cyrus I to assist in the building of the House of the Lord in Jerusalem, the first act he did was to deliver the sacred vessels of the Temple of Solomon to Mithradates, the Persian secretary for inventory and pack up to sent back to Jerusalem.  These vessels appear to include all the vessels taken by Nebuchadnezzar during the invasion of Jehoiachin and Zedekiah’s reigns.  These included:


                    Ezra 1:9-11     (NKJV)                                 1 Esdras 2:13-14

    30 gold basins (platters)                     1000 gold cups

            1000 silver basins (platters)                   1000 silver cups

                29 various vessels (knives)                    29 silver censers,

                30 golden bowls (basins)                    30 gold bowls,

              410 silver bowls   (basins)                    2410 silver bowls

            1000 other vessels                                 1000 other articles for the temple services.

Total - 5400 vessels of gold and silver              5469 golden and silver vessels


Yet these vessels do not include the pillars, the sea, and the carts, which the Lord of hosts promised through the prophet Jeremiah (27:19), “They shall be carried to Babylon, and there they shall be until the day that I visit them, says the Lord, “Then I will bring them up and restore them to this place.’”


Does this suggest a second restoration?  The inventory of Ezra and 1 Esdras highlights the return of the gold and silver vessels with non-descript other articles and vessels.  It does even include the bronze bullion or scrap bronze that was salvaged from the Great Sea, the Two bronze pillars and the carts.  If the ark of the covenant is anticipated to be restored at the Time of the End, then it would be reasonable to conclude that that rest of inventory of priestly garments, the holy garments of the High Priest, the Holy Menorah, the Altar if Incense, the Tables of Shewbread would also be recovered and restored.


Seeing now the inventory of the Emeq Hamelech and the treasures that were hidden before the arrival of Nebuchadnezzars army by Jeremiah and the five guardians and 300 worthies of the Levites, we can now conclude that the foreign troops found and carried away only a meager part of the entire hoard of temple treasures that are still intact in multiple treasure caches in Israel and in the land of Iraq. 



Credits and Links:


Bible Searchers Sites

The Oracles of Zechariah by Robert D. Mock MD

Jeremiah and the Five Guardians of Solomon’s Temple Treasures  by Robert D. Mock MD


Vendyl Jones Research Institute Sites

Vendyl Jones Research Institute Home Page

Emeq HaMelekh  by the Vendyl Jones Research Institute

The Copper Scroll and the Excavations at Qumron by Vendyl Jones

Dead Sea Scroll Deception Part One by Vendyl Jones

Dead Sea Scroll Deception Part Two  by Vendyl Jones

Dead Sea Scroll Deception Part Three by Vendyl Jones

The Ark of the Covenant by Vendyl Jones

A Door of Hope by the Vendyl Jones Research Institute

Ashes for Beauty--The Mysterious Ashes of the Red Heifer by Jim Long

The Gate Between Two Walls, by Vendyl Jones

Vendyl Jones and the Ark of the Covenant by Gerard Robins


Temple Mount Sites

The Temple Institute on recreation the Furnishing for the New Temple in Jerusalem

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem by the Temple Mount Organization

The Gihon Springs Temple Site by Ernest Martin


Emeq HaMelekh Sites

Emeq HaMelekh   by Robert D. Mock MD

Emeq HaMelekh  by the Vendyl Jones Research Institute

The Temple and the Copper Scrolls by the Order of the Nazorean Essenes

Emeq HaMelekh and the Ark in King Tut’s Tomb by Emeq HaMelekh  by the Vendyl Jones

The Treasures in the House of the Lord by Lambert Dolphin


The Baghdad Museum

US failed to save Iraqi Treasures by Reuters

Saving Iraq’s Treasures by the Smithsonian Institute

Iraqi Artifacts and Manuscripts found by Washington Post

No Mass Theft of Antiquities by WorldNetDaily

Ancient Assyrian Treasures found intact in Baghdad by National Geographic

Missing Iraqi Artifact found in secret vault – the Nimrod Collection by Reuters

US has recovered many artifacts by Philip Shenon



The Menorah by

J.R. Church, of Prophecy Publication,

The Temple Curtain by Tzion


Go to Part Fourteen

Jeremiah and the Last Years of Judah



The Last Years of the Nation of Judah

The Restoration of the Temple by King Josiah (622/621 BCE) -

First Babylonian Invasion - 605 BCE

The Second Invasion of Babylon - 597 BCE

The Final Destruction of Jerusalem - 586 BCE

Zedekiah flees thought the Gate between the Walls

The Guardian of the Treasuries in Babylon

Chaggai and Zechariah return to Jerusalem

Baruk, scribe of Jeremiah dies in Babylon

Jeremiah and Temar Tephi, daughter of King Zedekiah in Egypt


Return to the beginning


Go to Part Eleven  


Go to Part One