Press Release: Statement
of The Governed Regarding
: Health Care Debate in Congress &
Cap & Trade
From: The Office of
The American People
Legislative & Judicial Branches
of the United States of America
Subject: Your
Position in Our Congress
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2009
Robert Boehm
Sons of Liberty
The mechanisms of Newton's law of universal gravitation; a point mass m1
attracts another point mass m2 by a force F2
which is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance (r) between them. Regardless
of masses or distance, the magnitudes of |F1| and |F2|
will always be equal. G is the gravitational constant.
law of universal gravitation states that every object in this universe attracts every other object with
a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and
inversely proportional to the square of distance between their centres. This is
a general physical law derived from empirical
observations by what Newton called induction.[1]
It is a part of classical mechanics and was formulated in
Newton's work Philosophiae Naturalis
Principia Mathematica ("the Principia"), first published on 5
July 1687. (When Newton's book was presented in 1686 to the Royal
Society, Robert Hooke made a claim that Newton had obtained the
inverse square law from him – see History
section below.) In modern language, the law states the following:
Every point
mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along
the line intersecting both points. The force is
directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between the point masses:[2]
F is the magnitude of the
gravitational force between the two point masses,
*Internet dictionary
As this Law illustrates, ………we
are on a collision course.
The Lord of the
Universe obeys His Laws. Why don’t you? Because you have forsaken the Truth of God
for the Lie. Roman 1:25
Completely Reckless,
Completely Irresponsible
from the Office of Senator Mitch McConnell
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate
floor Thursday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care
Senator Snowe
stated, “The bottom line is, the most consequential health care legislation in
the history of our country and the reordering of $33 trillion in health care
spending over the coming decade shouldn’t be determined by one vote-margin
strategies” – surely we can and must do better.’
‘And here’s the most outrageous
part: at the end of this rush, they want us to vote on a bill that no one
outside the Majority Leader’s conference room has even seen. That’s right. The
final bill we’ll vote on isn’t even the one we’ve had on the floor. It’s the
deal Democrat leaders have been trying to work out in private’
“Senators on both sides acknowledge that the
health care bill we’re considering is among the most significant pieces of
legislation any of us will ever consider.
“So it stands to reason that we’d
devote significant time and attention to it.
“Indeed, some would argue that we
should spend more time and attention on this bill than most — if not every —
previous bill we’ve considered.
“The Majority disagrees.
“Why? Because
this bill has become a political nightmare for them.
“They know Americans overwhelmingly
oppose it, so they want to get it over with.
“Americans are already outraged at
the fact that Democrat leaders took their eyes off the ball. Rushing the
process on a partisan line makes the situation even worse.
“Americans were told the purpose of
reform was to reduce the cost of health care.
“Instead, Democrat leaders produced
a $2.5 trillion, 2,074-page monstrosity that vastly expands government, raises
taxes, raises premiums, and wrecks Medicare.
“And they want to rush this bill
through by Christmas — one of the most significant, far-reaching pieces of
legislation in
“And here’s the most outrageous
part: at the end of this rush, they want us to vote on a bill that no one
outside the Majority Leader’s conference room has even seen.
“That’s right. The final bill we’ll
vote on isn’t even the one we’ve had on the floor. It’s the deal Democrat
leaders have been trying to work out in private.
“That’s what they intend to bring
to the floor and force a vote on before Christmas.
“So this entire process is
essentially a charade.
“But let’s just compare the process
so far with previous legislation for some perspective. Here’s a snapshot of
what we’ve done and where we stand:
• The Majority Leader intends to
bring this debate to a close as early as this weekend — four days from now, on
this $2.5 trillion dollar mistake
• No American who hasn’t been
invited into the Majority Leader’s conference room knows what will be in that
• This bill has been the pending
business of the Senate since the last week of November — less than four weeks
• We started the amendment process
two weeks ago.
• We’ve had 21 amendments and
motions — less than two a day.
“Now let’s look at how the Senate
has dealt with previous legislation.
“No Child Left Behind
• 21 session days or 7 weeks.
• Roll Call votes: 44
• Number of Amendments offered: 157
“9/11 Commission/Homeland Security
Act (2002):
• 19 session days over 7 weeks.
• Roll Call votes: 20
• Number of Amendments offered: 30
“Energy Bill (2002):
• 21 session days over 8 weeks
• Number of Roll Call votes: 36
• Number of Amendments offered: 158
“This isn’t an energy bill. This is
an attempt by a majority to take over one sixth of the U.S. economy — to vastly
expand the reach and the role of government into the health care decisions of
every single American — and they want to be done after one substantive
amendment. This is absolutely inexcusable.
“I think Senator Snowe put it best on Tuesday:
‘Given the enormity and
complexity,’ she said, ‘I don’t see anything magical about the Christmas
deadline if this bill is going to become law in 2014.’
“And I think Senator Snowe’s comments on a lack of bipartisanship at the outset
of this debate are also right on point.
“Here’s what she said in late
‘I am truly disappointed we are
commencing our historic debate on one of the most significant and pressing
domestic issues of our time with a process that has forestalled our ability to
arrive at broader agreement on some of the most crucial elements of health care
reform. The bottom line is, the most consequential health care legislation in
the history of our country and the reordering of $33 trillion in health care
spending over the coming decade shouldn’t be determined by one vote-margin
strategies – surely we can and must do better.’
“The only conceivable justification
for rushing this bill is the overwhelming opposition of the American people.
Democrats know that the longer Americans see this bill the less they like it.
Here’s the latest from Pew. It came out just yesterday.
“A majority (58 percent) of those
who have heard a lot about the bills oppose them while only 32 percent favor
“There is no justification for this
blind rush — except a political one, and that’s not good enough for the
American people.
“And there’s no justification for
forcing the Senate to vote on a bill none of us has seen.
“Americans already oppose this
bill. The process is just as bad.
completely reckless, completely irresponsible.”
We are ready for whatever comes because we have No Fear.
We are Freemen
Sons of
Cc: Democrat Party Of
The United States of America
President of the
Attached List below for immediate Congressional contact information
Name |
Party |
State |
District |
Phone |
Fax |
Mark Begich |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3004 |
202-224-2354 |
Blanche Lincoln |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4843 |
202-228-1371 |
Mark Pryor |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2353 |
202-228-0908 |
Barbara Boxer |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3553 |
202-224-0454 |
Dianne Feinstein |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3841 |
202-228-3954 |
Mark Udall |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5941 |
202-224-6471 |
Michael Bennet |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5852 |
202-228-5036 |
Chris Dodd |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2823 |
202-224-1083 |
Ted Kaufman |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5042 |
202-228-3075 |
Tom Carper |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2441 |
202-228-2190 |
Bill Nelson |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5274 |
202-228-2183 |
Daniel Inouye |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3934 |
202-224-6747 |
Daniel Kahikina Akaka |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6361 |
202-224-2126 |
Richard Durbin |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2152 |
202-228-0400 |
Roland W. Burris |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2854 |
202-228-3333 |
Evan Bayh |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5623 |
202-228-1377 |
Tom Harkin |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3254 |
202-224-9369 |
Mary Landrieu |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5824 |
202-224-9735 |
Barbara Mikulski |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4654 |
202-224-8858 |
Benjamin L. Cardin |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4524 |
202-224-1651 |
Edward M. Kennedy |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4543 |
202-224-2417 |
John Kerry |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2742 |
202-224-8525 |
Carl Levin |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6221 |
202-224-1388 |
Debbie Stabenow |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4822 |
202-228-0325 |
Al Franken |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5641 |
202-224-0044 |
Amy Klobuchar |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3244 |
202-228-2186 |
Claire McCaskill |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6154 |
202-228-6326 |
Jon Tester |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2644 |
202-224-8594 |
Max Baucus |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2651 |
202-224-9412 |
Ben Nelson |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6551 |
202-228-0012 |
Harry Reid |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3542 |
202-224-7327 |
Jeanne Shaheen |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2841 |
202-228-3194 |
Frank R. Lautenberg |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3224 |
202-228-4054 |
Robert Menendez |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4744 |
202-228-2197 |
Jeff Bingaman |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5521 |
202-224-2852 |
Tom Udall |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6621 |
202-228-3261 |
Charles E Schumer |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6542 |
202-228-3027 |
Kirsten Gillibrand |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4451 |
202-228-0282 |
Kay Hagan |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6342 |
202-228-2563 |
Byron Dorgan |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2551 |
202-224-1193 |
Kent Conrad |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2043 |
202-224-7776 |
Sherrod Brown |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2315 |
202-228-6321 |
Jeff Merkley |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3753 |
202-228-3997 |
Ron Wyden |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5244 |
202-228-2717 |
Arlen Specter |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4254 |
202-228-1229 |
Robert P. Casey, Jr. |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6324 |
202-228-0604 |
Jack Reed |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4642 |
202-224-4680 |
Sheldon Whitehouse |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2921 |
202-228-6362 |
Tim Johnson |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5842 |
202-228-5765 |
Patrick Leahy |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4242 |
202-224-3479 |
Jim Webb |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-4024 |
202-228-6363 |
Mark R. Warner |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2023 |
202-224-6295 |
Maria Cantwell |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3441 |
202-228-0514 |
Patty Murray |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-2621 |
202-224-0238 |
Jay Rockefeller |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-6472 |
202-224-7665 |
Robert C. Byrd |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-3954 |
202-228-0002 |
Herbert Kohl |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5653 |
202-224-9787 |
Russ Feingold |
(D) |
Senator |
202-224-5323 |
202-224-2725 |
Joe Lieberman |
(I) |
Senator |
202-224-4041 |
202-224-9750 |
Bernie Sanders |
(I) |
Senator |
202-224-5141 |
202-228-0776 |
Bobby Bright |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2901 |
202-225-8913 |
Parker |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4801 |
202-225-4392 |
Artur Davis |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2665 |
202-226-9567 |
Ann Kirkpatrick |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2315 |
202-226-9739 |
Ed Pastor |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-4065 |
202-225-1655 |
Harry Mitchell |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-2190 |
202-225-3263 |
Raul M. Grijalva |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2435 |
202-225-1541 |
Gabrielle Giffords |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-2542 |
202-225-0378 |
Marion Berry |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4076 |
202-225-5602 |
Vic Snyder |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2506 |
202-225-5903 |
Mike Ross |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-3772 |
202-225-1314 |
Mike Thompson |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-3311 |
202-225-4335 |
Jerry McNerney |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-1947 |
202-225-4060 |
Jackie Speier |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-3531 |
202-226-4183 |
Pete Stark |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-5065 |
202-226-3805 |
Anna G. Eshoo |
(D) |
Rep - D14 |
202-225-8104 |
202-225-8890 |
Mike Honda |
(D) |
Rep - D15 |
202-225-2631 |
202-225-2699 |
Zoe Lofgren |
(D) |
Rep - D16 |
202-225-3072 |
202-225-3336 |
Sam Farr |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-2861 |
202-225-6791 |
Dennis Cardoza |
(D) |
Rep - D18 |
202-225-6131 |
202-225-0819 |
Jim Costa |
(D) |
Rep - D20 |
202-225-3341 |
202-225-9308 |
Lois Capps |
(D) |
Rep - D23 |
202-225-3601 |
202-225-5632 |
Brad Sherman |
(D) |
Rep - D27 |
202-225-5911 |
202-225-5879 |
Howard L. Berman |
(D) |
Rep - D28 |
202-225-4695 |
202-225-3196 |
Adam Schiff |
(D) |
Rep - D29 |
202-225-4176 |
202-225-5828 |
Henry A. Waxman |
(D) |
Rep - D30 |
202-225-3976 |
202-225-4099 |
Xavier Becerra |
(D) |
Rep - D31 |
202-225-6235 |
202-225-2202 |
Judy Chu |
(D) |
Rep - D32 |
202-225-5464 |
202-225-5467 |
Diane Watson |
(D) |
Rep - D33 |
202-225-7084 |
202-225-2422 |
Lucille Roybal-Allard |
(D) |
Rep - D34 |
202-225-1766 |
202-226-0350 |
Maxine Waters |
(D) |
Rep - D35 |
202-225-2201 |
202-225-7854 |
Jane Harman |
(D) |
Rep - D36 |
202-225-8220 |
202-226-7290 |
Laura Richardson |
(D) |
Rep - D37 |
202-225-7924 |
202-225-7926 |
Grace Napolitano |
(D) |
Rep - D38 |
202-225-5256 |
202-225-0027 |
Linda Sanchez |
(D) |
Rep - D39 |
202-225-6676 |
202-226-1012 |
Joe Baca |
(D) |
Rep - D43 |
202-225-6161 |
202-225-8671 |
Loretta Sanchez |
(D) |
Rep - D47 |
202-225-2965 |
202-225-5859 |
Doris Matsui |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-7163 |
202-225-0566 |
Bob Filner |
(D) |
Rep - D51 |
202-225-8045 |
202-225-9073 |
Susan Davis |
(D) |
Rep - D53 |
202-225-2040 |
202-225-2948 |
Lynn Woolsey |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-5161 |
202-225-5163 |
George Miller |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2095 |
202-225-5609 |
Nancy Pelosi |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-4965 |
202-225-4188 |
Barbara Lee |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-2661 |
202-225-9817 |
Diana DeGette |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4431 |
202-225-5657 |
Jared Polis |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2161 |
202-226-7840 |
John Salazar |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-4761 |
202-226-9669 |
Betsy Markey |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-4676 |
202-225-5870 |
Ed Perlmutter |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2645 |
202-225-5278 |
John Larson |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2265 |
202-225-1031 |
Joe Courtney |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2076 |
202-225-4977 |
Rosa L. DeLauro |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-3661 |
202-225-4890 |
Jim Himes |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-5541 |
202-225-9629 |
Chris Murphy |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4476 |
202-225-5933 |
Kathy Anne Castor |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-3376 |
202-225-5652 |
Kendrick B. Meek |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-4506 |
202-226-0777 |
Robert Wexler |
(D) |
Rep - D19 |
202-225-3001 |
202-225-5974 |
Allen Boyd |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-5235 |
202-225-5615 |
Debbie Wasserman
Schultz |
(D) |
Rep - D20 |
202-225-7931 |
202-226-2052 |
Ron Klein |
(D) |
Rep - D22 |
202-225-3026 |
202-225-8398 |
Alcee L. Hastings |
(D) |
Rep - D23 |
202-225-1313 |
202-225-1171 |
Suzanne Kosmas |
(D) |
Rep - D24 |
202-225-2706 |
202-226-6299 |
Corrine Brown |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-0123 |
202-225-2256 |
Alan Grayson |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-2176 |
202-225-0999 |
John Barrow |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-2823 |
202-225-3377 |
David Scott |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-2939 |
202-225-4628 |
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-3631 |
202-225-2203 |
Hank Johnson |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-1605 |
202-226-0691 |
John Lewis |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-3801 |
202-225-0351 |
Jim Marshall |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-6531 |
202-225-3013 |
Neil Abercrombie |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2726 |
202-225-4580 |
Mazie Hirono |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-4906 |
202-225-4987 |
Walter Minnick |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-6611 |
202-225-3029 |
Bobby L. Rush |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4372 |
202-226-0333 |
Debbie Halvorson |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-3635 |
202-225-3521 |
Jerry F. Costello |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-5661 |
202-225-0285 |
Bill Foster |
(D) |
Rep - D14 |
202-225-2976 |
202-225-0697 |
Philip Hare |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-5905 |
202-225-5396 |
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-0773 |
202-225-0899 |
Dan Lipinski |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-5701 |
202-225-1012 |
Luis V. Gutierrez |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-8203 |
202-225-7810 |
Mike Quigley |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4061 |
202-225-5603 |
Danny K. Davis |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-5006 |
202-225-5641 |
Melissa Bean |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-3711 |
202-225-7830 |
Janice D. Schakowsky |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-2111 |
202-226-6890 |
Peter J. Visclosky |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2461 |
202-225-2493 |
Joe Donnelly |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-3915 |
202-225-6798 |
Andre Carson |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-4011 |
202-225-5633 |
Brad Ellsworth |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-4636 |
202-225-3284 |
Baron Hill |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-5315 |
202-226-6866 |
Bruce Braley |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2911 |
202-225-6666 |
David Loebsack |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-6576 |
202-226-0757 |
Leonard L. Boswell |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-3806 |
202-225-5608 |
Dennis Moore |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-2865 |
202-225-2807 |
John Yarmuth |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-5401 |
202-225-5776 |
Ben Chandler |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-4706 |
202-225-2122 |
Charlie Melancon |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-4031 |
202-226-3944 |
Chellie Pingree |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-6116 |
202-225-5590 |
Mike Michaud |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-6306 |
202-225-2943 |
Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-5311 |
202-225-0254 |
C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-3061 |
202-225-3094 |
John Sarbanes |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-4016 |
202-225-9219 |
Donna Edwards |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-8699 |
202-225-8714 |
Steny Hoyer |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4131 |
202-225-4300 |
Elijah E. Cummings |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-4741 |
202-225-3178 |
Chris Van Hollen, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-5341 |
202-225-0375 |
John W. Olver |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-5335 |
202-226-1224 |
Bill Delahunt |
(D) |
Rep - D10 |
202-225-3111 |
202-225-5658 |
Richard E. Neal |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-5601 |
202-225-8112 |
Jim McGovern |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-6101 |
202-225-5759 |
Barney Frank |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-5931 |
202-225-0182 |
Niki Tsongas |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-3411 |
202-226-0771 |
John Tierney |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-8020 |
202-225-5915 |
Ed Markey |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2836 |
202-226-0092 |
Michael E. Capuano |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-5111 |
202-225-9322 |
Stephen F. Lynch |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-8273 |
202-225-3984 |
Bart Stupak |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4735 |
202-225-4744 |
Sandy Levin |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-4961 |
202-226-1033 |
Carolyn Cheeks
Kilpatrick |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-2261 |
202-225-5730 |
John Conyers Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D14 |
202-225-5126 |
202-225-0072 |
John D. Dingell |
(D) |
Rep - D15 |
202-225-4071 |
202-226-0371 |
Dale E. Kildee |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-3611 |
202-225-6393 |
Mark Schauer |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-6276 |
202-225-6281 |
Gary Peters |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-5802 |
202-226-2356 |
Tim Walz |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2472 |
202-225-3433 |
Betty McCollum |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-6631 |
202-225-1968 |
Keith Ellison |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4755 |
202-225-4886 |
Collin Peterson |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2165 |
202-225-1593 |
Jim Oberstar |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-6211 |
202-225-0699 |
Travis W. Childers |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4306 |
202-225-3549 |
Bennie Thompson |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-5876 |
202-225-5898 |
Gene Taylor |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-5772 |
202-225-7074 |
William Lacy Clay, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2406 |
202-226-3717 |
Russ Carnahan |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-2671 |
202-225-7452 |
Ike Skelton |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-2876 |
202-225-2695 |
Emanuel Cleaver, II |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4535 |
202-225-4403 |
Shelley Berkley |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-5965 |
202-225-3119 |
Dina Titus |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-3252 |
202-225-2185 |
Carol Shea-Porter |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-5456 |
202-225-5822 |
Paul Hodes, II |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-5206 |
202-225-2946 |
Robert E. Andrews |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-6501 |
202-225-6583 |
Donald M. Payne |
(D) |
Rep - D10 |
202-225-3436 |
202-225-4160 |
Rush D. Holt Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-5801 |
202-225-6025 |
Albio Sires |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-7919 |
202-226-0792 |
John Adler |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-4765 |
202-225-0778 |
Frank Pallone, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-4671 |
202-225-9665 |
Bill Pascrell, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-5751 |
202-225-5782 |
Steve Rothman |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-5061 |
202-225-5851 |
Martin Heinrich |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-6316 |
202-225-4975 |
Harry Teague |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2365 |
202-225-9599 |
Ben Ray Lujan |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-6190 |
202-226-1528 |
Tim Bishop |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-3826 |
202-225-3143 |
Ed Towns |
(D) |
Rep - D10 |
202-225-5936 |
202-225-1018 |
Yvette D. Clarke |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-6231 |
202-226-0112 |
Nydia M. Velazquez |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-2361 |
202-226-0327 |
Michael E. McMahon |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-3371 |
202-226-1272 |
Carolyn B. Maloney |
(D) |
Rep - D14 |
202-225-7944 |
202-225-4709 |
Charles B. Rangel |
(D) |
Rep - D15 |
202-225-4365 |
202-225-0816 |
Jose E. Serrano |
(D) |
Rep - D16 |
202-225-4361 |
202-225-6001 |
Eliot L. Engel |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-2464 |
202-225-5513 |
Nita M. Lowey |
(D) |
Rep - D18 |
202-225-6506 |
202-225-0546 |
John J. Hall |
(D) |
Rep - D19 |
202-225-5441 |
202-225-3289 |
Steve Israel |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-3335 |
202-225-4669 |
Scott Murphy |
(D) |
Rep - D20 |
202-225-5614 |
202-225-1168 |
Paul D. Tonko |
(D) |
Rep - D21 |
202-225-5076 |
202-225-5077 |
Maurice D. Hinchey |
(D) |
Rep - D22 |
202-225-6335 |
202-226-0774 |
Michael A. Arcuri |
(D) |
Rep - D24 |
202-225-3665 |
202-225-1891 |
Dan Maffei |
(D) |
Rep - D25 |
202-225-3701 |
202-225-4042 |
Brian Higgins |
(D) |
Rep - D27 |
202-225-3306 |
202-226-0347 |
Louise M. Slaughter |
(D) |
Rep - D28 |
202-225-3615 |
202-225-7822 |
Eric Massa |
(D) |
Rep - D29 |
202-225-3161 |
202-226-6599 |
Carolyn McCarthy |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-5516 |
202-225-5758 |
Gary Ackerman |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-2601 |
202-225-1589 |
Gregory W. Meeks |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-3461 |
202-226-4169 |
Joseph Crowley |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-3965 |
202-225-1909 |
Jerrold Nadler |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-5635 |
202-225-6923 |
Anthony D. Weiner |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-6616 |
202-226-0218 |
G. K. Butterfield, Jr. |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-3101 |
202-225-3354 |
Heath Shuler |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-6401 |
202-226-6422 |
Mel Watt |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-1510 |
202-225-1512 |
Brad Miller |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-3032 |
202-225-0181 |
Bob Etheridge |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-4531 |
202-225-5662 |
David Price |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-1784 |
202-225-2014 |
Mike McIntyre |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2731 |
202-225-5773 |
Larry Kissell |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-3715 |
202-225-4036 |
Earl Pomeroy |
(D) |
Rep - At-large |
202-225-2611 |
202-226-0893 |
Steve Driehaus |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-2216 |
202-225-3012 |
Dennis J. Kucinich |
(D) |
Rep - D10 |
202-225-5871 |
202-225-5745 |
Marcia L. Fudge |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-7032 |
202-225-1339 |
Betty Sutton |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-3401 |
202-225-2266 |
Mary Jo Kilroy |
(D) |
Rep - D15 |
202-225-2015 |
202-225-3529 |
John A. Boccieri |
(D) |
Rep - D16 |
202-225-3876 |
202-225-3059 |
Tim Ryan |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-5261 |
202-225-3719 |
Zack Space |
(D) |
Rep - D18 |
202-225-6265 |
202-225-3394 |
Charlie Wilson |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-5705 |
202-225-5907 |
Marcy Kaptur |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-4146 |
202-225-7711 |
Dan Boren |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2701 |
202-225-3038 |
David Wu |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-0855 |
202-225-9497 |
Earl Blumenauer |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-4811 |
202-225-8941 |
Peter DeFazio |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-6416 |
202-225-0032 |
Kurt Schrader |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-5711 |
202-225-5699 |
Robert Brady |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4731 |
202-225-0088 |
Christopher P. Carney |
(D) |
Rep - D10 |
202-225-3731 |
202-225-9594 |
Paul E. Kanjorski |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-6511 |
202-225-0764 |
John Murtha |
(D) |
Rep - D12 |
202-225-2065 |
202-225-5709 |
Allyson Y. Schwartz |
(D) |
Rep - D13 |
202-225-6111 |
202-226-0611 |
Michael F. Doyle |
(D) |
Rep - D14 |
202-225-2135 |
202-225-3084 |
Tim Holden |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-5546 |
202-226-0996 |
Chaka Fattah |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-4001 |
202-225-5392 |
Kathy Dahlkemper |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-5406 |
202-225-3103 |
Jason Altmire |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-2565 |
202-226-2274 |
Joe Sestak |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-2011 |
202-226-0280 |
Patrick J. Murphy |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-4276 |
202-225-9511 |
Patrick J. Kennedy |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4911 |
202-225-3290 |
James Langevin |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2735 |
202-225-5976 |
John Spratt |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-5501 |
202-225-0464 |
James E. Clyburn |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-3315 |
202-225-2313 |
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin |
(D) |
Rep - At-large |
202-225-2801 |
202-225-5823 |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-6831 |
202-226-5172 |
Jim Cooper |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4311 |
202-226-1035 |
Bart Gordon |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-4231 |
202-225-6887 |
John S. Tanner |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-4714 |
202-225-1765 |
Steve Cohen |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-3265 |
202-225-5663 |
Ruben Hinojosa |
(D) |
Rep - D15 |
202-225-2531 |
202-225-5688 |
Silvestre Reyes |
(D) |
Rep - D16 |
202-225-4831 |
202-225-2016 |
Chet Edwards |
(D) |
Rep - D17 |
202-225-6105 |
202-225-0350 |
Sheila Jackson-Lee |
(D) |
Rep - D18 |
202-225-3816 |
202-225-3317 |
Charles A. Gonzalez |
(D) |
Rep - D20 |
202-225-3236 |
202-225-1915 |
Ciro Rodriguez |
(D) |
Rep - D23 |
202-225-4511 |
202-225-2237 |
Lloyd Doggett |
(D) |
Rep - D25 |
202-225-4865 |
202-225-3073 |
Solomon P. Ortiz |
(D) |
Rep - D27 |
202-225-7742 |
202-226-1134 |
Henry Cuellar |
(D) |
Rep - D28 |
202-225-1640 |
202-225-1641 |
Gene Green |
(D) |
Rep - D29 |
202-225-1688 |
202-225-9903 |
Eddie Bernice Johnson |
(D) |
Rep - D30 |
202-225-8885 |
202-226-1477 |
Al Green |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-7508 |
202-225-2947 |
Jim Matheson |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-3011 |
202-225-5638 |
Peter Welch |
(D) |
Rep - At-large |
202-225-4115 |
202-225-6790 |
Gerry Connolly |
(D) |
Rep - D11 |
202-225-1492 |
202-225-3071 |
Glenn Nye |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-4215 |
202-225-4218 |
Robert C. Scott |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-8351 |
202-225-8354 |
Tom Perriello |
(D) |
Rep - D5 |
202-225-4711 |
202-225-5681 |
Jim Moran |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-4376 |
202-225-0017 |
Rick Boucher |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-3861 |
202-225-0442 |
Jay Inslee |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-6311 |
202-226-1606 |
Rick Larsen |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2605 |
202-225-4420 |
Brian Baird |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-3536 |
202-225-3478 |
Norm Dicks |
(D) |
Rep - D6 |
202-225-5916 |
202-226-1176 |
Jim McDermott |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-3106 |
202-225-6197 |
Adam Smith |
(D) |
Rep - D9 |
202-225-8901 |
202-225-5893 |
Alan B. Mollohan |
(D) |
Rep - D1 |
202-225-4172 |
202-225-7564 |
Nick Rahall |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-3452 |
202-225-9061 |
Tammy Baldwin |
(D) |
Rep - D2 |
202-225-2906 |
202-225-6942 |
Ron Kind |
(D) |
Rep - D3 |
202-225-5506 |
202-225-5739 |
Gwen Moore |
(D) |
Rep - D4 |
202-225-4572 |
202-225-8135 |
Dave Obey |
(D) |
Rep - D7 |
202-225-3365 |
Not Available |
Steve Kagen |
(D) |
Rep - D8 |
202-225-5665 |
202-225-5729 |
The Total United State House of Representative.
. |
(R) |
Rep - D1 |